tirsdag 23. november 2010
torsdag 11. november 2010
So, it is time for the first annual recap of a year in my life since I am celebrating my birthday tomorrow. I can not really say that I remember a lot from this time around last year. Pretty much the whole period untill New Years Eve is a blank. That might be a good sign, I do not know. I have done a lot of fun stuff this year and it has not been all black. The highlight of this year might be the trip to Edinburgh in March with my fellow students. I had a blast and I am sure that pretty much the whole group agree with me. One could say that the trip is connected with me buying a new camera. I have always liked the idea of doing photographing, even if it is just based as a hobby. That is pretty much what it will remain as, a hobby. I do not think there is any potential for it to expand to be work related.
Before I forget it, I am also an uncle now. It is still pretty cool even though I can not take any credit for it. Seeing myself as an uncle is a bit awkward. My image of an uncle is a rather old dude with no hair and is settled down. I am currently none of that.
This broke my chain of thoughts and I can not remember what I was really going to mention. Oh yes, concerts. I am starting to have a respectable number of concerts attended on my soul. Two shows with Metallica back to back in April was awesome. Front row on both nights as well. Beeing less than two meters away from your heroes is not an every day event. The third concert I have attended has been mentioned in a post a bit further down. Sorry if I do not write anything about it. But hey, it is my page.
There have been highs and certainly lows. It is during the lows, when everything seems wrong, that you learn to know yourself and people around you. What the low periods were about are known to the friends that deserve to know the full truth. I have a lot of friends around me but there are some extra special ones that I cherish with all my heart. Therefore, the only thing left to say is thanks . . .
Before I forget it, I am also an uncle now. It is still pretty cool even though I can not take any credit for it. Seeing myself as an uncle is a bit awkward. My image of an uncle is a rather old dude with no hair and is settled down. I am currently none of that.
This broke my chain of thoughts and I can not remember what I was really going to mention. Oh yes, concerts. I am starting to have a respectable number of concerts attended on my soul. Two shows with Metallica back to back in April was awesome. Front row on both nights as well. Beeing less than two meters away from your heroes is not an every day event. The third concert I have attended has been mentioned in a post a bit further down. Sorry if I do not write anything about it. But hey, it is my page.
There have been highs and certainly lows. It is during the lows, when everything seems wrong, that you learn to know yourself and people around you. What the low periods were about are known to the friends that deserve to know the full truth. I have a lot of friends around me but there are some extra special ones that I cherish with all my heart. Therefore, the only thing left to say is thanks . . .

onsdag 10. november 2010
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