søndag 27. februar 2011
Red Dead Redemption
I have loved Red Dead Redemption ever since I bought the game. First it was about the visual aspect of it; the graphics are in my opinion nothing less than stunning. The map is huge and the different territories are quite different. For example, "Mexico" is dry, mostly desert with tall cliffs where as the region called Tall Trees have well, tall trees, and a rich wild life. Encountering a grizzly is quite common. The weather effects add a new dimension to the game as well. Even if you are done with the story it is satisfying to just ride on your horse or walk while looking around, feeling the wind or rain around you. Nights are usually quiet, which is a bit scary when you are used to background music that fits the surroundings. But no sound other than maybe an owl is usually a reason for concern. If it is possible to see the stars (I guess the weather is random) at night, I like to get up to a high point, maybe a cliff in Mexico and just view the scenery.
My life as a gamer is almost as long as my life in general. Starting with the Mario games on NES it has progressed as the years have gone by. And come to think of it, a really well done game based on the old west has been missing even though I have not noticed it myself. The story is as near as perfect as it can be. It did not end the way I wanted, without spoiling too much of it. On the other hand, if it ended the way I wanted maybe the game would not have made such an impact on me. RDR's story is, shortly said, about John Marston who is forced by the government to hunt down three persons he rode in a gang with. Marston just wants to live quietly on his farm, but no.
Although he has to hunt them down as he fits, it is impossible to not sympathize with the man. Marston clearly regrets his former life as an outlaw and now he lives an honest life. The government takes all the credit for capturing the men Marston is set to capture, so he is almost as a pawn in a game to them. This brings me to the song at the top. Not only is it my favourite song at the moment since I bought the soundtrack to the game online, but it has given the entire game a new dimention. The song essentially is the soundtrack to Marston's life; I can see in my mind his struggle and journey in general.
fredag 25. februar 2011
torsdag 24. februar 2011
The bird

onsdag 23. februar 2011
tirsdag 22. februar 2011
mandag 21. februar 2011
søndag 20. februar 2011
lørdag 19. februar 2011
fredag 18. februar 2011
torsdag 17. februar 2011
The Sign of the Cross
I am starting to run out of pictures for now. I have to see what I can come up with from the archives. Besides, it looks like I have to take more photos, maybe tomorrow or during the weekend. It really depends on the weather.

tirsdag 15. februar 2011
mandag 14. februar 2011
søndag 13. februar 2011
lørdag 12. februar 2011
fredag 11. februar 2011
onsdag 9. februar 2011
What is there to say about hospitals? Little, yet much. They are a training ground, preparing you for the retirement home. All you do is sit on your bed and eat when they say so. I underwent surgery last Wednesday and was released from the hospital on Monday. That is only five days but they felt eternal. Wednesday was surgery day. I can not recall that I was scared or anything as I lay on the bed/table. They told me to breathe through a mask and I was out stone cold. Waking up was not as bad as I visioned it; there was no need to throw up and no head ache. The one thing I can compare it to was as I had been to the best party ever. The nurse gave me morphine as well, could not complain on the service. As I regained my awareness I noticed my chin, where I had the surgery done, was bandaged beyond belief. Still, there was more. The surgeon wanted me to have my big toes fixed as well. For a couple of days walking was a nightmare. Pain from the surgeries were not the worst. As things were not bad enough at the time, I found out that I was allergical to the tape that was used. The allergic reaction is still visible on my feet and it itches! Every day was like this: waken up at 6 am, breakfast at 8:30 am, lunch at 12:30, dinner at 16:30 and supper at 19:00. Between those hours I could only stay in bed and watch TV while being online on my iPod. I am so glad it is all over, good to have it done. To finish this up, let me post a picture of how my foot looks like and you will see where the tape has been, causing the reaction to my skin.
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