
mandag 20. februar 2012

My Renaissance

The World has seen more than one renaissance and now I have got my own. During the last months I have turned to the kit lense, using it instead of the telezoom. Each lense has its advantages and disadvantages. The tele almost turns the camera into binoculars meaning that the motive can be far away. Using a tele, from my experience, is benefitial if you have a concrete object you want to capture. But what you say no to is the effect of a wider angle. The kit lense is not a wide angle lense by any means, but it still has a better wide angle than the zoom.

Here is the tele used:

And here is the kit lense:

Even if you do not exactly know how to explain it, you do see a difference: Object vs landscape/nature. On the other hand, the kit lense has a poor zoom. The tele has a better zoom when it is fully zoomed out, respectively 55 mm vs 70 mm. This has proven to be a challenge, because changing lenses while you are outside is not with a faint of heart. It takes time, depending on how quick you are and how accesible the equipment is, and also water can drop on the inside of the camera if it is raining. I do have a rain cover but it is so big that I can only use it with the tele.

Now, the renessaince should have a name. The other have their names, why should not my have one? It is hard to find a good name, though. The Christian renaissance? Sounds like something from the middle ages, in my opinion.

2 kommentarer:

  1. As a layman on this subject I found this a very interesting blogpost. I greatly appreciate this technical information, both because it is something I know little about in the first place and also because this is good to have in mind whenever I find the time and money to purchase a more fancy camera.

  2. As for the name of the Renaissance I'll have to come back to you on that one.
