a thorn from the rose
expected, yet a surprise
accept it
count the pro's
use your sense
feel it
not just see it
your heart will tense
hands feel like led
smell it
without care,
the rose ends up dead
onsdag 28. juli 2010
Please, do not anything . . .
Yesterday was quite an unusual day for me. Spent most of the day in Bodø but that is not what this little rant is about. Maybe I should not call it rant, it is just a little story of a woman not being in the correct state of mind. We were almost ready for take off. By the way, a really nice American couple that was at my office the day before was sitting in front of me. The captain announced that the numbers did not add up. There was one more person in the cabin than it should be according to the lists. Some minutes went by and I guess the captain said something along the lines of "f*** it, let's go". The door was shut and the engines started. Suddenly a woman called the stewardess. She asked if the plane was headed for Bodø, which the stewardess confirmed. The lady was not going to Bodø, her destination was Stokmarknes. So she sat in the plane for at least thirty minutes not realizing that she was at the destination and the rest of the passengers had disembarked. Talk about day dreaming, huh?
tirsdag 27. juli 2010
sharp as steel
and hard as a rock
what I do feel
please, open your lock
words, thoughts and prayers
doing nothing
side by side we stand
as I watch you
so, give me your hand
do not walk away
see my world
as I see you
and hard as a rock
what I do feel
please, open your lock
words, thoughts and prayers
doing nothing
side by side we stand
as I watch you
so, give me your hand
do not walk away
see my world
as I see you
mandag 26. juli 2010
A cup of thea, please.
The human mind is a really awkward thing, that and thinking. How does other people think? It is rather difficult to explain how you are thinking. I usually think my thoughts like I hear my own voice when I speak. Does this mean I speak, or think, to myself? All I can hear my voice is saying is that I miss someone special. Location does not matter for me. Our minds go past each other and I would like them to meet. It has been like this for almost a year now, since that day when my hope and dreams were crushed. Well, what more to say is hard to decide. I just erased a lot of writing since I can not erase it from my mind. It is still there, lurking.
søndag 25. juli 2010
fredag 23. juli 2010
A shoutout to some chaps!
A quick post to say thanks to the seven people who have taken their time to look at the photo of Edinburgh Castle more closely. In my eyes it looks more like a painting, do not how that has happened. Anyway, please look at this also as a reminder that I be will jumping for joy if I see somebody posts a comment. So far, two people have said something. Only you can do something about it!
onsdag 21. juli 2010
Pale as a canvas
black as the night
clear as glass
yet still there
a path in the woods
one each way
this is it,
alone among the trees
you're the one I'd see
black as the night
clear as glass
yet still there
a path in the woods
one each way
this is it,
alone among the trees
you're the one I'd see
mandag 19. juli 2010
Finished with a new book

I finally bought a new book last week. The genre I enjoy the most might be called historical fiction, fiction but the plot is set back in time. And I found one book in that genre. The original title is "Interred with their bones". The title is rather clever since the book is about Shakespeare, and it is taken from his play Julius Caesar. The female protagonist have discovered by several clues and leads in Shakespeare's plays that there might be an unknown manuscript. As the story goes on the question about who Shakespeare really was also rises. I must say that I do not read fiction too often but this book was really something. A few murders and some unexpected plot twists made me want to read two pages at the same time. I do believe I need to read the sequel, though . . .
lørdag 17. juli 2010
I have been challenged
I was challenged yesterday to say some words about the book I loath the most. I am sure you all have one of these books which you can not wait to finish, the book is so dreadful but your pride forbid you to throw it out the window. Well, my book in this category is the infamous Phantom of Manhattan written by Frederick Forsyth. The only reason I decided to read it was Andrew Lloyd Webber's desicion to make another musical with the Phantom. My logic somehow persuaded me to read it so I knew the musical's plot. I have now heard the music from the musical and I do have read the book but I am more confused than before. Let's start, shall we?
Numero Uno: The Phantom now is more or less a mafia boss. He has his little helpers doing things for him so he can buy property and hire people for his precious amusement park at Coney Island. Did not Erik, the phantom, work on his own in the original? He certainly did. Erik also kill people or assisting them to kill themselves with tricks. Cut short he was a psycopath, sosiopath and all the other "-paths" in the Oxford dictionary. Going from that to a man who uses his tongue and diplomatic skills in just ten years is rather far fetched, in my opinion.
Let me just say one thing; the characters act really weird and not how readers would expect. Christine and Meg were best friends, even in the book. I say this because even Webber allowed some alterations so he could focus more on the aspects of love rather than the fact that the novel is a detective story. Webber also helped Forsyth write the book, from what I can recall. But it seems that they completely forgot each other. There are no explanations to how they drifted apart, so far that they did not see each other for about ten years. You could write letters even in those days. Madame Giry, Meg's mother, is dying in Paris. How many will miss her? None. She did her part of the plot by giving Erik money to build his empire. In the musical, she is pure evil. She tries to get rid of every single person that might be entitled to inherit Erik's fortune. And let us not forget that she sells her own daughter to rich, single men who needs a fun night.
So, is it possible to alter more people? Oh yes, indeed. Raoul de Chagny is portraited as a fop in the original novel, and also on stage. He is a count and upper class, that is what he cares about. Fame and fortune seem necessary for him to live. In Forsyth's novel however, he is a bastard. Raoul managed to gamble away all their money and become an alcaholic. Please tell me any signs of that in the original novel because I can not remember any.
The coup de grace is Christine's child. Not Christine and Raoul's but Christine and Erik's. Forsyth decided to act like God and let Christine have a child without any participation from a male person. There are of course hints in the original novel and it might happen if the reader is that concerned about the time. Erik must have done his deed rather quickly (he came and he went, anyone?). So I do not say it is completely out of the question but Christine is so out of her mind at the end that I do not think she would do something like that. To me it is a way Forsyth ties together Erik and Christine so he can make a drama out of it.
So, my conclusion about the book is this: Burn it with fire!
Numero Uno: The Phantom now is more or less a mafia boss. He has his little helpers doing things for him so he can buy property and hire people for his precious amusement park at Coney Island. Did not Erik, the phantom, work on his own in the original? He certainly did. Erik also kill people or assisting them to kill themselves with tricks. Cut short he was a psycopath, sosiopath and all the other "-paths" in the Oxford dictionary. Going from that to a man who uses his tongue and diplomatic skills in just ten years is rather far fetched, in my opinion.
Let me just say one thing; the characters act really weird and not how readers would expect. Christine and Meg were best friends, even in the book. I say this because even Webber allowed some alterations so he could focus more on the aspects of love rather than the fact that the novel is a detective story. Webber also helped Forsyth write the book, from what I can recall. But it seems that they completely forgot each other. There are no explanations to how they drifted apart, so far that they did not see each other for about ten years. You could write letters even in those days. Madame Giry, Meg's mother, is dying in Paris. How many will miss her? None. She did her part of the plot by giving Erik money to build his empire. In the musical, she is pure evil. She tries to get rid of every single person that might be entitled to inherit Erik's fortune. And let us not forget that she sells her own daughter to rich, single men who needs a fun night.
So, is it possible to alter more people? Oh yes, indeed. Raoul de Chagny is portraited as a fop in the original novel, and also on stage. He is a count and upper class, that is what he cares about. Fame and fortune seem necessary for him to live. In Forsyth's novel however, he is a bastard. Raoul managed to gamble away all their money and become an alcaholic. Please tell me any signs of that in the original novel because I can not remember any.
The coup de grace is Christine's child. Not Christine and Raoul's but Christine and Erik's. Forsyth decided to act like God and let Christine have a child without any participation from a male person. There are of course hints in the original novel and it might happen if the reader is that concerned about the time. Erik must have done his deed rather quickly (he came and he went, anyone?). So I do not say it is completely out of the question but Christine is so out of her mind at the end that I do not think she would do something like that. To me it is a way Forsyth ties together Erik and Christine so he can make a drama out of it.
So, my conclusion about the book is this: Burn it with fire!
fredag 16. juli 2010
onsdag 14. juli 2010

I see the moonless sky, the stars shine bright
The house before me, fog hangs over
I'm standing there alone in the dark
I ring the bell
He opens the door
He looks like death
No shadow on the floor
It seems life's gone out of his body
And madness has now taken control
Pale and grey
A weird mind
His sister is dead
And I'm so blind
Deep in the house
She's lying there
This bird of happiness
With long black hair
Silent screams out of the distance
It seems the walls would talk to me
Whispering voices out of the grave
It seems the house can't set me free
Horror running through my veins
As I see my friend going insane
Pale and grey
He's standing there
Scratching and moaning,
Disturbing the air
He knows that he buried his sister alive
But as he sees her he knows that he'll die
Silent screams out of the distance
It seems the walls would talk to me
Whispering voices out of the grave
It seems the house can't set me free
And it's burning...
(Grave Digger's The House)
tirsdag 13. juli 2010
On the wall
A painting
inside the frame
relationship waining
who am I to blame?
The frame
like our lifes
claiming our flame
feels like a knife
a frame, a painting
completes the look
hear me now
tears flowing like a brook
inside the frame
relationship waining
who am I to blame?
The frame
like our lifes
claiming our flame
feels like a knife
a frame, a painting
completes the look
hear me now
tears flowing like a brook
lørdag 10. juli 2010
The window
The window
light coming through
looking outside
looking at you
rain hits the glass
drops act like tears
closing the curtains
the lass
continous storm
outside, inside
windows, barriers
all the same
break them
all 'cause of your name
light coming through
looking outside
looking at you
rain hits the glass
drops act like tears
closing the curtains
the lass
continous storm
outside, inside
windows, barriers
all the same
break them
all 'cause of your name
torsdag 8. juli 2010
Navi, thou hast returned.
That line is said by The Great Deku Tree aka Treebeard in the epic game Ocarina of Time. Yes, the term epic as kind of lost its value the last years but the game is in fact epic. I instantly thought of the possibility to play this game again when I heard that a Wii was taking place back home. A couple of days ago we noticed that we needed a classic controller to play OoT and the next day we noticed that we had to buy a memory card.
But today was the day! The first day in years I could say bad words inside of me when the game started. You see, although I love this game, the start annoys me. Minutes of reading and pressing the A-button. Boooring! That was forgotten the same moment the first notes of the Kokiri Forest theme could be heard. I have not played that much of it yet since I am watching Tour de France. The few minutes were just for testing and teasing myself a bit.
The game is like rereading your favourite book all over again. Eventhough you know what is coming, it does not matter. I can not wait to get out to Hyrule Field, the Castle, the dungeons, collecting weapons and items, skulltullas, you name it. Well, there is one thing I do not look forward to. That is the infamous Water Temple. Or you might say that I am looking forward to feel the nostalgic anger and sence of helplessness and fury.
But today was the day! The first day in years I could say bad words inside of me when the game started. You see, although I love this game, the start annoys me. Minutes of reading and pressing the A-button. Boooring! That was forgotten the same moment the first notes of the Kokiri Forest theme could be heard. I have not played that much of it yet since I am watching Tour de France. The few minutes were just for testing and teasing myself a bit.
The game is like rereading your favourite book all over again. Eventhough you know what is coming, it does not matter. I can not wait to get out to Hyrule Field, the Castle, the dungeons, collecting weapons and items, skulltullas, you name it. Well, there is one thing I do not look forward to. That is the infamous Water Temple. Or you might say that I am looking forward to feel the nostalgic anger and sence of helplessness and fury.
tirsdag 6. juli 2010
Break of dawn
born is the light
as you were gone
emotions in fight
The heart, a mysterious thing
please, let it go
want to cling
as the mind says no
day by day
week by week
listen to what I have to say
the soul wants to shriek
born is the light
as you were gone
emotions in fight
The heart, a mysterious thing
please, let it go
want to cling
as the mind says no
day by day
week by week
listen to what I have to say
the soul wants to shriek
mandag 5. juli 2010
Oh my, look at the weather
looking out at the rain
wishing it could be better
pouring down the drain
I hear it falling
what did you say
was that your voice, calling
feeling the rain
inside and outside
it reveals the pain
hard to keep sane
waiting for the sun
hoping and praying
the image of you
looking out at the rain
wishing it could be better
pouring down the drain
I hear it falling
what did you say
was that your voice, calling
feeling the rain
inside and outside
it reveals the pain
hard to keep sane
waiting for the sun
hoping and praying
the image of you
søndag 4. juli 2010
fredag 2. juli 2010

Weird display cases in the Scottish museum, that is for sure. Right now it looks like some odd Pink Floyd kind of thing. Either that or an old robot in Futurama. I do not know who the robots here look like, Bender or Flexo?
What a day!
I can honestly say that this day has been the most stressful day at work yet. Not because of the number of tourists stopping by, but money. My job includes accepting the fees for the port authorities from boats docking at the guest harbour plus tourists that wants to shower or wash their clothes can do that as well. By a coincidence I checked one of the cash boxes. And what do you know, the numbers did not add up! Neither did the other cash boxes. Is it one thing I do not like it is to act irresponsibly regarding money. Therefore I sat going over the numbers time and time again. In the end the error was not a serious one and I could finally feel my heart beat again. Even if I know now that it is ok I still feel a bit nervous. What if my skills at maths suck? Let us all hope that is not the case. There is one good thing I can share, though, and that is that I have the next week off.
torsdag 1. juli 2010
'nother day, 'nother day at work
So I am finally in my comfy chair after a day of hard work. Seems like more and more tourists are stopping by. By looking at the statistics German tourists are on the top. That is not so surprising really. It may sound a bit odd but you might see who are German. They go wild when they see a map and I can not understand what is so interesting with maps (this may be a bit misleading since I do find maps interesting, just not in this context), especially when the maps outline places they have not visited. Usually maps are used to locate where you are and where you are going. In my opinion, maps are lousy souvenirs. Have trolls gone out of fashion with the rest of our stereotypical stuff? Should we throw the table sized polar bears in the trash? I would have problems with maps as a souvenir, "let me go out in the car and get the map" you say, while showing the pictures and brochures from the trip. Well, I will not stop them. Everything in my little office is free, including those pretty pamphlets about places in Sweden. For the record, I do not know why we have them. At least they cheer up the Swedish tourists.
Anyway, this is just babbling. Today, I have not just helped tourists but also one of my nest friends. Nothing makes me more happy than helping my best friends. :)
Anyway, this is just babbling. Today, I have not just helped tourists but also one of my nest friends. Nothing makes me more happy than helping my best friends. :)
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